Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Province Pays $180 Million Not to Build Natural Gas Power Plant

You can read the gory details in this National Post article, as exactly how much it is going to cost the government to shut down the building of a natural gas power plant in Mississauga. Obviously the shutdown was for political regions, saving the government's hide in the area in the last election.

Perhaps a better question is what exactly this plant is for? Ontario has been exporting power in recent years and with the cratering of manufacturing and electricity prices rapidly rising, consumption isn't going to be cranking up. I'm guessing this power plant is backup for solar and wind when the sun isn't shining and the wind now blowing. So compounding the ridiculous guaranteed fees paid out to solar and wind power providers, we have to build an extra gas plant and the province couldn't even manage that properly without an extra $180 million for nothing.

The electricity file under McGuinty has been nothing but a sad joke for the taxpayer.

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