Thursday, May 29, 2014

City of St. Thomas 2013 Sunshine List, Rankings and Analysis

Here is the 2013 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for City of St. Thomas (released March 28th, 2014). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 62. The total salaries on the list is $7,102,911.82, with the average salary for someone on the list of $114,563.09. Last year's list is available here.

Here is the top ten salary earners:
WENDELL GRAVES $165,950.00
DARRYL PINNELL $149,825.44
JOHN DEWANCKER $134,123.82
WILLIAM DAY $131,878.81
KEVIN KERNOHAN $130,061.70
WARREN SCOTT $128,514.96

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than two persons with that job title.
Staff Sergeant5$114,032.60
Platoon Chief4$123,892.81

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
SCOTT BARNES 49 Sergeant $105,447.03 $1,316.90
DEREK BONNETT 52 Firefighter $104,221.80 $571.23
SCOTT BRETT 48 Firefighter $105,646.72 $571.23
TIM BRIDGE 55 Lead Hand Building Maintenance $101,555.83 $547.02
MARK BRISSEAU 18 Captain $117,330.73 $668.13
ROBERT BROADBENT 7 Fire Chief $130,494.39 $1,347.25
KEVIN BUTTERS 23 Platoon Chief $114,519.33 $677.43
BRIAN CARNEGIE 41 Sergeant $107,363.36 $1,334.37
MICHAEL CARROLL 26 Valleyview Administrator $113,682.99 $1,257.23
BRIAN CLEMENT 60 Manager, Engineering $101,168.20 $1,015.16
GRAHAM DART 11 Director, Human Resources $124,784.14 $1,331.45
WILLIAM DAY 6 Director of Finance/City Treasurer $131,878.81 $1,405.67
RUDI DENHAM 27 Chief Librarian/Chief Executive Officer $113,575.58 $734.22
JOHN DEWANCKER 5 Director, Environmental Services $134,123.82 $1,405.67
DEREK DIDYK 39 Firefighter $108,065.43 $571.23
STEVE DONKER 19 Captain $116,340.77 $668.13
JEFFREY DREIDGER 3 Deputy Police Chief $139,486.84 $2,173.51
ROBERT EATON 24 Captain $114,425.44 $681.84
JOYCE GONYOU 29 Director of Nursing $112,984.76 $814.94
WENDELL GRAVES 1 Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk $165,950.00 $1,655.69
DAVID GREGORY 30 Captain $112,916.95 $651.84
RYAN GUAY 47 Training Officer $105,901.86 $628.88
BARRY HEARD 34 Firefighter $110,920.14 $603.54
CHRISTOPHER HERRIDGE 10 Inspector $125,573.84 $2,033.02
RICHARD HIKELE 22 Captain $115,495.34 $666.81
GLENN HILL 12 Captain $124,423.88 $689.03
SEAN HODGINS 46 Firefighter $106,407.83 $571.23
JAMES HULST 15 Captain $119,810.20 $651.84
LUKE INTVEN 58 Firefighter $101,296.13 $551.94
PATRICK KEENAN 13 Director of Planning $122,695.37 $1,931.45
KEVIN KERNOHAN 8 Platoon Chief $130,061.70 $719.70
JUDITH KOWALCZYK 25 Staff Sergeant $114,395.20 $1,416.89
ALEX KUZMINSKI 42 Firefighter $106,815.72 $551.94
JEREMY LAPADAT 59 Sergeant $101,169.11 $1,244.06
BRIAN LEVERTON 35 Fire Prevention Officer $110,798.66 $668.13
STEVE MARCINKIEWICZ 45 Firefighter $106,683.44 $571.23
CYRIL MCCREADY 53 Water/Wastewater Supervisor $104,220.32 $676.14
ANDY MEDEIROS 43 Firefighter $106,761.33 $571.23
MARK MINOR 57 Valleyview Environmental Supervisor $101,390.56 $851.71
RANDALL MUNDT 17 Staff Sergeant $118,245.33 $1,416.89
SUSAN NEWTON 38 Sergeant $108,136.31 $1,342.73
ANDERS NIELSEN 62 Constable $100,096.00 $903.57
RAYMOND ORMEROD 16 Deputy Fire Chief $118,386.16 $955.20
CHRIS PERRIN 40 Sergeant $107,639.67 $1,342.73
DARRYL PINNELL 2 Chief of Police $149,825.44 $2,912.05
MIKE POWERS 44 Firefighter $106,708.38 $594.30
MARC ROSKAMP 33 Staff Sergeant $111,337.44 $1,368.44
WARREN SCOTT 9 Platoon Chief $128,514.96 $719.70
ELIZABETH SEBESTYEN 56 Housing Administrator $101,513.07 $810.37
DARYL SMITH 50 Firefighter $105,283.01 $561.87
KYLE SMITH 32 Captain $111,351.56 $625.09
ROBERT SNOWSELL 61 Firefighter $100,365.43 $603.54
IAN THOMAS 37 Firefighter $109,686.07 $571.23
WILLIAM TODD 31 Chief Fire Prevention Officer $112,886.40 $1,292.35
MARK TRAICHEVICH 4 Inspector $136,793.92 $2,142.82
ROSS TUCKER 21 Director, Parks & Recreation $115,509.05 $918.21
KIMBERLEY VAUGHAN 54 Sergeant $102,975.43 $1,298.94
BARRY WAITE 28 Firefighter $113,515.47 $571.23
MARK WALTERS 14 Platoon Chief $122,475.24 $719.70
RUSSELL YATES 20 Staff Sergeant $115,867.40 $1,408.49
CHAD YEO 51 Firefighter $104,698.89 $571.23
HENRY ZEHR 36 Staff Sergeant $110,317.64 $1,391.00

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