Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Woodstock Hospital / Hôpital de Woodstock 2014 Sunshine List, Rankings and Analysis

Here is the 2014 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Woodstock Hospital / Hôpital de Woodstock (released March 28th, 2015). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 28. The total salaries on the list is $4,186,712.13, with the average salary for someone on the list of $149,525.43. Last year's list is available here.

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $2,264,961.75

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. ROBERT VINSON $566,738.20
2. DONG FENG LIU $339,733.77
3. PETER ENGBERS $270,084.36
4. NATASA VELJOVIC $246,417.68
5. PERRY LANG $180,876.64
6. JAYNE MENARD $159,584.95
7. DEEPANI PERERA $151,002.67
9. MELANIE KELLY $113,518.69
10. WENDY ABBAS $113,430.04

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse/Infirmière4$103,086.42

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
WENDY ABBAS 10 Director of Patient Car for Long Term Care and Inpatient Rehabilitation/Directeur des soins aux patients pour les soins de longue durée et de réadaptation pour patients hospitalisés $113,430.04 $641.85
TRACY BOS 28 Registered Nurse/Infirmière $100,443.22 $491.70
DEREK COENEN 27 Manager of Diagnostic Imaging/Responsable de l'imagerie diagnostique $101,512.58 $585.72
BARBARA CRANDALL 19 Registered Nurse/Infirmière $106,276.91 $0.00
HEIDI DANTES 11 Director of Patient Care/Emergency/Directeur du Patient des Soins d'Urgence $112,009.30 $647.28
PATRICIA ELLIOTT 12 Director of Patient Care Operating Room/Anaesthetic Care Unit/DayCare/ Endoscopy/Directeur des Soins Patient Salle d'Opération /Anesthésie Unité de Soins/Garderie/Endoscopie $112,009.30 $647.28
PETER ENGBERS 3 Pathologist/Pathologiste $270,084.36 $1,415.88
JANET FARLEY 23 Registered Nurse/Infirmière $103,810.19 $500.76
RANDY HICKS 17 Director of Patient Care for Intensive Care Unit and Dialysis/Director des soins aux patients de l'Unité de soins intensifs et de dialyse $109,001.07 $631.03
BLAKE HUGHES 13 Director of Capital Projects/Directeur des Projets d'Immobilisations $112,009.30 $647.28
SUSAN INNIS 16 Director Patient Care/Maternal Child/Women’s Health/Patient Registration/ Enregistrement de Santé-Patient Directeur Patient Care/Tapis Enfant/Féminin $111,864.00 $647.28
MELANIE KELLY 9 Psychologist/Psychologue $113,518.69 $660.66
ELIZABETH LAMERS 20 Director of Finance/Directeur des finances $105,005.96 $608.26
PERRY LANG 5 Chief Operating Officer/Chef De L'exploitation $180,876.64 $1,043.16
DONG FENG LIU 2 Pathologist/Pathologiste $339,733.77 $1,907.16
JACKIE MACKENZIE 14 Director of Patient Care Medical Surgical Units/Directeur du Patient aux Soins Médicale des Unités Chirurgicales $112,009.30 $647.28
JAYNE MENARD 6 Vice President of Patient Care/Chief Nursing Officer/Vice Président de Patient Care/Chef d'Agent de Soins Infirmiers $159,584.95 $913.08
DAVID ODER 21 Technical Analyst/Analyste technique $104,726.10 $468.48
DEEPANI PERERA 7 Vice President of Finance/Vice Président des Finances $151,002.67 $729.13
DIANE RUNNING 26 Registered Nurse/Infirmière $101,815.37 $500.76
KEVIN SOMERVILLE 18 Manager of Information Technology/Gestionnaire des technologies de l'information $107,518.75 $621.77
NATASA VELJOVIC 4 Chief Executive Officer/Chief Executive Officer $246,417.68 $11,688.61
FATIMA VIEIRA-CABRAL 8 Director of Pharmacy/Directeur de la Pharmacie $123,574.75 $714.55
ROBERT VINSON 1 Radiologist/Radiologue $566,738.20 $2,865.56
ARLENE WHITEHEAD 24 Director of Ambulatory Rehabilitation in Physiotherapy/Directeur de la réhabilitation ambulatoire en physiothérapie $102,936.21 $595.87
MICHELLE WORSFOLD 25 Director of Mental Health/Directeur de la Santé Mentale $102,853.14 $597.90
JASON YOUNG 15 Director of Regional Support Associates/Directeur Regional Support Associates $112,009.30 $1,164.48
KATHERINE YURCHESYN 22 Psychologist/Psychologue $103,940.38 $603.07

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