Friday, November 10, 2017

Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l'Ontario 2016 Sunshine List and Statistics

Here is the 2016 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l'Ontario (released March 31th, 2017). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 33. The total salaries on the list is $3,769,971.43, with the average salary for someone on the list of $114,241.56.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other school boards can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,299,489.97

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Simon Fecteau $168,046.12
2. Linda Lacroix $137,627.20
3. April Rosenberger $129,801.17
4. Angelle Martel-Davies $126,429.37
5. Tracy Dottori $125,330.26
6. Normand Beaudry $122,451.17
7. Christian Levesque $122,451.17
8. Chantal MacIvor $122,451.17
9. Pascale Pellerin $122,451.17
10. Rene Roy $122,451.17

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Direction d'ecole 13 $114,853.31
Direction adjointe ecole 4 $106,094.24
Direction de Service 4 $119,614.07
Coordonnateur en technopedagogie 2 $103,335.03

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
Normand Beaudry 6 Direction d'ecole $122,451.17 $2,138.28
Andrea-Lynn Bertrand-Gendron 24 Direction adjointe ecole $105,400.56 $2,225.47
Isabelle Boucher 23 Direction d'ecole $105,552.28 $2,072.45
Joel Boucher 12 Direction d'ecole $120,069.43 $2,098.55
Yanik Boudreau 19 Direction d'ecole $107,103.46 $2,104.69
Chantal Breault 28 Coordonnatrice des services financiers $103,282.02 $1,516.04
Patrick Cantin 16 Chef des services d'installations $110,527.07 $920.57
Kim Christianson-Gagnon 14 Direction d'ecole $112,850.90 $2,138.28
Lyna Cloutier 33 Coordonnatrice engagement et retention $100,383.37 $435.35
Pierre Daigle 29 Coordonnateur en technopedagogie $102,585.71 $435.06
Valerie Demers-Romaniuk 32 Direction de Service $100,682.75 $2,069.10
Tracy Dottori 5 Surintendante adjointe des affaires $125,330.26 $1,704.80
Simon Fecteau 1 Direction de l'education $168,046.12 $673.92
Pascal Fraser 11 Direction de Service $121,543.01 $2,087.42
Pierre Girouard 26 Coordonnateur en technopedagogie $104,084.35 $440.27
Lynne Hamel 30 Enseignante titulaire $101,917.35 $417.07
Patrick La Salle 20 Direction d'ecole $106,988.71 $2,080.30
Linda Lacroix 2 Surintendante de l'education $137,627.20 $564.69
Jasmine Lamothe-Thornton 31 Direction d'ecole $101,875.99 $2,060.73
Christian Levesque 7 Direction d'ecole $122,451.17 $2,138.28
Natalie Levesque 25 Direction adjointe ecole $104,728.24 $2,075.60
Ashli Lewis 21 Direction d'ecole par interim $106,043.33 $2,076.20
Chantal MacIvor 8 Direction d'ecole $122,451.17 $2,138.28
Angelle Martel-Davies 4 Direction de Service $126,429.37 $2,142.92
Alain Noel 13 Direction d'ecole $114,857.41 $2,174.65
Pascale Pellerin 9 Direction d'ecole $122,451.17 $2,138.28
Melissa Pepin 27 Conseillere pedagogique $103,691.26 $431.06
Gerald Pichette 22 Direction adjointe ecole $105,703.42 $2,075.60
Jamie Point 17 Gestionnaire des technologies de l'information et de la communication $110,527.07 $462.92
Nicole Raymond 18 Direction adjointe ecole $108,544.75 $2,237.87
April Rosenberger 3 Direction de Service $129,801.17 $2,138.28
Rene Roy 10 Direction d'ecole $122,451.17 $2,138.28
Chantal Tremblay 15 Direction d'ecole $111,539.02 $2,050.16

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