Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Matheson / Iroquois Falls / Cochrane Group of Health Services 2016 Sunshine List, Rankings and Statistics

Here is the 2016 sunshine list (salary disclosure) for Matheson / Iroquois Falls / Cochrane Group of Health Services (released March 31th, 2017). The total number of individuals on the list for this year is 18. The total salaries on the list is $2,130,103.55, with the average salary for someone on the list of $118,339.09.

Sunshine lists and statistics for other hospitals can be found here

Total Salary earned by the top ten: $1,305,388.67

Here is the top 10 salary earners:
1. Paul Chatelain $197,837.53
2. Gail Waghorn $140,099.19
3. Linda Ajdinovic $135,331.87
4. Karen Hill $134,676.50
5. Judy Ives $130,684.14
6. Amanda Come $117,449.52
7. Randy Martin $115,233.80
8. Diane Stringer $113,393.06
9. Wynne Mackay $110,359.35
10. Janet Reid $110,323.71

Here's the number and average salaries for those positions with more than one person with that job title.
Registered Nurse 5 $110,059.34
Registered Technologist, Laboratory 2 $119,998.61

Here is the full sunshine list. Name is followed by salary ranking in the organization, position, salary and benefits.
Name Salary Ranking Position Salary Benefits
Linda Ajdinovic 3 Registered Technologist, Laboratory $135,331.87 $440.88
Isabelle Boucher 12 Director of Quality Risk Management/Patient Safety $104,080.48 $534.99
Paul Chatelain 1 Chief Executive Officer $197,837.53 $1,019.19
Amanda Come 6 Registered Technologist, Laboratory Charge $117,449.52 $339.45
Pauli Genier 17 Registered Nurse $101,597.46 $458.48
Karen Hill 4 Chief Nursing Officer $134,676.50 $691.68
Patricia Huber 16 Patient Care Coordinator $102,276.93 $552.42
Judy Ives 5 Registered Nurse $130,684.14 $0.00
Gayle Lavoie 14 Diagnostic Imaging Program Leader $103,781.31 $446.52
Sylvie M. L. Lavoie-Girard 18 Director of Human Resources $100,657.60 $517.30
Wynne Mackay 9 Registered Nurse $110,359.35 $466.55
Randy Martin 7 Plant/Maintenance Leader $115,233.80 $448.08
Jocelyne Miljours 11 Registered Technologist, Laboratory $104,665.36 $392.73
Janet Reid 10 Registered Technologist, Diagnostic $110,323.71 $392.73
Lilianne Rocheleau 15 Registered Nurse $103,746.59 $485.35
Diane Stringer 8 Director of Care $113,393.06 $613.08
Fabiola Tousignant 13 Registered Nurse $103,909.15 $466.55
Gail Waghorn 2 Chief Financial Officer $140,099.19 $719.96

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